The one thing that would make Victor watch "Dancing With the Stars"
Or "Strictly Come Dancing," as the Brits like to call it (why, I haven't a freaking idea).

God, I miss Stacy Keibler. The next time Raw comes to Baltimore, I hope her schedule is open, because I want to see her return to the WWE as a guest host. Anyways, the Legs of WCW turned Legs of the WWE turned Weapons of Mass Seduction recently turned 30, and she doesn't look a day over 25 if you want my opinion. So as a special salute, I bring you the very best of Stacy Keibler in the WWE ring and on the "Dancing With the Stars" hardwood.
It's called Strictly Come Dancing because there used to be a dance competition show on the BBC called Come Dancing which ran for a thousand years (well, actually circa 40).
Combine this with a takeoff on Strictly Ballroom, and there you are.
12:02 AM
Understood, Vic. Now, I know you aren't a big wrestling or DWtS fan, but what do you think of the sexy Keibler Elf? Did I mention that while she is only 5'10", her legs are 42" long?
11:04 AM
If I wasn't writing this on Sunday morning I'd elaborate. Suffice to say my thoughts on her are very, very positive...
2:50 AM
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