Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why I hate TNA

As you know, I've been harping on TNA for a while. However, I never really said why. Here are my reasons.

  1. Too fast-paced. They need an oxygen mask and take a breather.
  2. Not enough women. Traci, Gail, and Jackie look nice, but the WWE continues dominating the women's area.
  3. Keep Monty Brown out of the ring.
  4. Come to think of it, keep Monty off the mic. His promos never make sense.
  5. James Mitchell, see number four.
  6. Abyess = Bad, clumsy ripoff combination of Mick Foley and Kane.
  7. Jeff Hardy, Raven, Team 3-D, Rhino, and Kip James (formally Billy Gunn) have been working stiff since they joined the company.
  8. Christian has been, wait I'm sorry, Christian CAGE, has been the only reason I watch TNA, but he's going to get buried by Jeff Jarrett, a bigger spotlight hog than Triple H.
  9. Anybody else think an in-ring fatality will come in an X-Division match?
  10. Seriously, why the hell is a six-sided ring a necessity?


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