Thursday, March 08, 2007

Can we at least get along on this?

If there's one thing, ONE THING, that makes me go nuts, it's child sexual predators. As a family member of not one, but two, children who have been sexually abused by that punk-ass uncle of mine, I really recommend you guys follow the following link. This will allow you to write your representative in the House, your Senators and your state governors and tell them just how important it is to prevent the children of our nation from having their innocence taken away from them. Even if you wouldn't vote for your serving politicans, do the right thing and tell them that child molesters need to be locked away. It's not an issue of Republicans vs. Democrats. It's an issue of good vs. evil to me and quite frankly, I'm not one to let evil win. Maybe the words of Bill O'Reilly will make you agree with me (I know that's hard for most of you to imagine, but trust me, you'll listen). Every child molester needs to be sentenced to life prison without the chance of parole. It doesn't get much simplier than that.

My time's up, you've been great. For the road: Cassie "Me & U"


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