Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Today, we bury "30 Rock"

No, I'm not saying that because Tiny Fey has gotten pregnant again, nor because Alec Baldwin has opened his mouth about something he doesn't know about (politics). I think Tracy Morgan is becoming more unstable than anybody working for NASA or Kurt Angle. Proof? I got your proof. Kids, this why alcohol is bad for you. You'll wind up looking like an ass on the Internet. Props to the interviewer for being as professional as possible. Personally, I think if that was Borat, he'd probably wind up acting the same way as he did in this video. Now, NBC has to be shaking their head about this. If Tracy Morgan goes on TV and embarasses everybody like that, "30 Rock" could be screwed because of its star players is acting like a lunatic and might not be wanted after that. I don't know if the Tracy is being reprimended for that, but if he keeps that up, "30 Rock" will go the way of "The Tracy Morgan Show." And that is not a good way.

My time's up, you've been great. For the road: Beyonce "Deja Vu"


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