Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A salute to the opressed bloggers

I have to give big ups to anybody in Iran who has video taped the civil unrest in that country and posted the recordings on YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. What we are dealing with are opressed people who are tired of being under the thumb of a tyrannical leader, er, dictator in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Not that I blame them. Ahmadinejad wants Israel wiped off the map, believes the September 11, 2001 attacks were not orchestrated by al-Qaeda, says there are no gays in Iran, does not believe in the Holocaust, and snubbed all warnings from the United Nations Security Council to stop building weapons of mass destruction. That is what I call being a sadistically evil and a few fries short of a Happy Meal at once. Frankly, I'd feel safer with Mir-Hossein Mousavi. I don't know much about the man, but unlike Ahmadinejad, he is willing to speak with Barack Obama and acknowledges the Holocaust. But I'm getting off-track. What this widespread unrest is showing is that Iran wants change. If there wasn't so much protesting about the election results, I wouldn't be inclined to believe Mousavi actually won and Ahmadinejad rigged the election. But with the violence across the country, that's what I believe. And the oppression of the media in Iran is becoming a joke now that people have taken to the Internet to voice their displeasure (ironically, Ahmadinejad has his own blog, but I'm in no rush to check it out). Iran, you deserve much better. You are under the rule of a corrupt president who will do anything to hold power. Keep going to the streets and telling the world who you really voted for. I wouldn't be surprised if the United Nations or some other organization hears your pleas and sets things right. Keep blogging. Good night, and good luck, Tehran.


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