Monday, January 09, 2006

Sports: Good. Wrestling: Bad.

OK, somewhere out there, God is enjoying his mind games with me. I didn't think I'd get 2 out of 4 NFL playoff games right this weekend. Instead, the Patriots, Steelers, Panthers, and Redskins win. Translation: I pitched a shutout. In your face, bia-tch! And Jen, seriously, why did you pick "Crybaby" Eli Manning to win a playoff game? Totally unexcusable.

Speaking of unexcusable, I'm gonna sound like such a hypocrite for slamming Jen's NFL picks. I only went three for three at my New Year's Resoultion picks. Good news: Ric Flair, Trish Stratus, and Ashley won. Bad news: Kane, Big Show, and Gregory Helms lost. Curse you, Vince. And by the way, who here saw that ending coming? Edge using the Money in the Bank contract to face off with John Cena after Cena was bloodied and battered in the Elimination Chamber? I'm not one who believes in karma, but Matt Hardy must seriously pissed off at this moment. Good news, we really don't see the WWE champion with a valet on his arm often, so maybe Lita will be leaving Edge finally. I don't care if it's by her accord or his, just get my favorite redhead away from that homewrecker please. And people, I ask of you nicely, STOP BOOING CENA, DUMBASSES!

Overall record at picking WWE PPV winners: 11-14. YUCK!


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