Saturday, August 12, 2006

Random Thoughts of the Week

Guess who's back, back again gain, 313's back back, tell a... *WHACK!* Boo, bad Eminem impersonator! Hooray blogging!

If you must know where I've been, I've been settling this feud between the Mac and the PC.

Alright, alright. Seriously now. I'm supposed to be telling the world that I am NOT romantically involved with Lance Bass.

Fine, I'll give the (insert the diety of your choice here, or if you're an athesist, you own name)'s truth. Been out to the United Kingdom and Ireland. Details? Sure, I'll provide them.

First stop, merry ol' London. I may be a tourist, but it was great. The history, the prestige, the murders... Oh wait, that was the Jack the Ripper tour. My mistake.

Why didn't anybody tell me Big Ben didn't have an Afro?

Two views I highly recommend. One being St. Paul's Cathedral. Right in downtown, it goes for miles. Of course, it can only be topped by the Millenium Eye on the Thames River. From the top, you can see the countryside.

WHAT NOT TO DO: Know those guards in the red coats who are supposed to stand still? Never use their hats as Q-Tips.

Though I bet we get some reaction from them if Jen were to show them her headlights.

Saw the play "Blood Brothers" at the Pheonix Theatre. Next time you're in London, check it out. Low-budget show, but definitley high-quality acting.

WHAT NOT TO DO II: The Tower of London is a wonderful spot. OK, so there was torture going on there way back when, but still great. Anyways, don't be like the dumbasses who were behind me and my friends feeding the ravens there. They're about as big as a small dog and vicious too.

More from the British Isles later.

Victor, sorry man. I was hoping you'd contact me before I left. Damn. You know what, if you come to Detroit one day, you and me, just hanging out. Promise it.

Saw the preview for "Snakes on a Plane." After seeing one snake crawl into a kitty kennel and, well, I'll let you figure that out, I'm certainly glad Sugar and Zoe have problems just traveling to the vet. Then again, I wouldn't take them on a plane anyways.

Butch, I challenge thee to a CSSA writer's duel. Winner is once and for all PROPERTY OF K. BELL.

Oh yeah, the Great American Bash. Finlay and Ashley were my only bright spots. (NOTE: I changed my Gregory Helms pick to Matt Hardy when I found who he was facing. Dumbass!) So that drops me to 39-44. No, Butch, I'm not going to stop.

My time's up, you've been great. For the road: James Blunt "You're Beautiful"


Blogger Butch Rosser said...

In order for us to have any sort of duel, you would have to be armed.


8:55 PM


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