Saturday, July 14, 2007

WBC, come out to play!

Yo, Fred Phelps and Shirley Phelps-Roeper. You and your little cult owe me money. Here's the deal: I found a flyer on the WBC website saying they were coming to Waterford, which is just north of here, to protest at a military funeral. If you know me, I'm not going to let these assclowns from the Westboro Baptist Church come to our area and ruin a moment of mourning and rememberance. So, I drove out to Waterford and arrive at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church and School, where the funeral was to take place. I knew the WBC hasn't going to be there, since Michigan law makes protesting within 500 feet of a funeral a crime. So I approached the Patroit Guard, a group of bikers (most of whom are veterans) who attend these events to serve in the ceremony and also serve as a buffer between the public and the WBC. I asked them where the WBC was going to be, and they said they hadn't recieved any information as to if they were coming. They said the WBC posts that they'll picket all the military funerals, but they rarely show up. Typical, a cult posing as a church, and they forget the Ninth Commandment, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16. Still, I wouldn't have been shocked if they had showed up unnoticed and started breaking out their colorful "GOD HATES FAGS" signs. So I waited in my car. When the time came for the protest began, I started walking, looking across the street to see if they were around. I must have walked 2- 2 1/2 miles one way, all within the vacinity of Our Lady of the Lakes. Not one of those braindead zombies was present. So there's good news and bad news I can take from this. The bad news is I was unable to tell off those rat bastards, and according to Mapquest, going both ways, they now owe me 50.55 miles worth of gas money. The good news is that there was no violence, the family could bury their son in peace, and I got a good workout in. Still, I know the WBC will be in the Detroit area one day. When they do arrive, I'm going to treat them with the disrespect they deserve.

This post is dedicated to the memory of Army Pfc. Joseph A. Miracle, whose funeral was at Our Lady of the Lakes, an Ortonville native who was gunned down by enemy fire in Afghanistan. Rest in peace, Pfc. Miracle. You did more in your time in Afghainstan than so many people will ever do in their lifetime. *salutes*

My time's up, you've been great. For the road: Secondhand Serenade "Vulernable"


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